Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011

Lecture talk in Bielefeld

I will speak at BGHS(Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology)’s Third Annual Seminar "Control's other side(s)", taking place at Bielefeld University from 8th until the 10th of February 2012.

My paper is entitled "Street Art – questioning power and control in urban spaces".

Conference website:

We encounter forms of control in all realms of social life: internalized
 moral attitudes on the individual level; national or pre-national rules
 of law; governmental and non-governmental regulatory agencies attempting
 to contain potentially harmful developments. An observation of the
 process of how control is set up and maintained allows us to get a
 better understanding of the institutionalisation of social order. At the
 same time, the analysis of control may help to learn something about the
 so-ciocultural justifications, which enable such an order. Important
 changes in the mechanisms of control in modernity can be traced back to
 these discursive developments.

 Despite general compliance with controlling structures, there appears to
 be a frame of action for 'criti-cal reflection' towards the established
 institutions of control. Control can never be seized as a totality and
 no attempt at control is without contradictions and ambivalences. Even
 if dominant claims over control are not entirely balanced by resistance,
 oppositional and everyday practices disturb the se-quences of control
 regimes by deliberately or unintentionally introducing functional
 mistakes, inconse-quentiality, open or concealed critique. An analysis
 of control therefore forces us to study its limits: Where are measures
 of control thought to be unsuccessful? Where do attempts to obtain
 control fail because no internalisation of norms or legitimization of
 existing norms has taken place? How are new forms of control possible
 despite the danger that they themselves will be doubted or rejected?
 Where does the seemingly constant need for control come from? Which
 conflicts and tensions constitute different forms of relationships
 between controlling structures and the objects of the control? And
 finally: Where and how is control modified by its resisting powers?

 The interdisciplinary Annual Seminar of the BGHS this year focuses on
 the forces that limit, irritate, or modify control. The empirical or
 conceptual contributions should tackle the paradoxes, contradictions and
 ambivalences regarding control and discuss the social significance of
 control and its other side.
 The conference language is English.

 Key Note Speaker (oppening lecture):
 Andreas Glaeser (University of Chicago)